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50,000L Water Storage in Small Space using Poly Tanks (Nemo Car & Dog Wash)

Nemo Car & Dog Wash in Bundaberg offer automatic car washes, self serve car washing for the do-it-yourself people and dog washing using the latest technology and highest quality products. Since much water is consumed during washing, rather than depend upon the mains water supply they decided to install tanks. Rainwater is also much better for washing given it is much softer than the mains water supply. Nemo Car and Dog Wash Bundaberg - Multiple Water Tanks For their needs it was estimated water storage of up to 50,000L would be necessary. The only problem is the space they have is dedicated to washing cars − the more cars they can fit in then the more business they will have. So they had limited space requirements. Rather than one very large 50,000L tank, it worked out five smaller 10,000L upright tanks would fit perfectly alongside their fence line. Pipework when then fed into the water tanks from the roofing capture area in a “wet system” design (underground water pipework).

Nemo Car and Dog Wash Bundaberg - 5x 10,000L Water Tanks

Nemo Car and Dog Wash Bundaberg - water tank plumbing

National Poly Industries manufactured and delivered five 10,000L (2,200 gallon) upright tanks with appropriate fittings.

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